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RV & Storage Working Group

*** NEW, March 1 2023 - text of email blast ***
Dear RV and Travel Club members,
At Monday's RV & Storage Working Group meeting two action items were generated. These are (1) to get the lease addendum out to everyone ASAP and (2) to encourage everyone to send Commissioner Fuentes a letter as concerned citizens encouraging him to meet with ACC again on the proposed drainage construction.
These will be put on the ACC web site and are included with this email as attachments. The addendum is what ACC will ask you to sign when you pay your lease for 2023. I think everyone should be able to read it in advance of signing it.
The second document is in Word format so that you can customize it and includes instructions (you may delete these once you have read them). I encourage all of you to send a customized version of this sample letter to Commissioner Fuentes. We feel that a push from his constituents may result in him finally taking some action.
Thank you,
Jim Gerry


Recordings of meetings regarding the RV Storage Area can be found here =>

RV Storage Meeting with Alamo Representatives, Nov 7, 2022 =>


Check the attachments for updates from the RV & Storage Yard Easement working group.

01 March 2023

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